Harmony Group is the restaurant industry’s go-to for financial expertise. We hope you’ll join the conversation.
2/7/25 - Matt Returns to NPR’s Marketplace to Chat Productivity
Hear Matt speaking with NPR’s Justin Ho about the amazing team at Harmony and why career development and team retention are great for productivity in a field where you can’t automate away expertise.
3/28/24 - The Great Restaurant Fee Fiasco - Washingtonian
Matt was grateful to have the chance to talk to Jessica Sidman for her longform writeup on the current state of confusion in DC about service charges, tips, and how to navigate the post-82 landscape in the city. We’re thankful the Washingtonian is covering this important issue for hospitality operators.
12/4/23 - Matt on NPR’s Marketplace About the Fed’s Rate Hike’s
Matt returned to Marketplace to talk with Justin Ho about the Fed’s rate hikes and their effect on small businesses.
12/1/23 - Matt on Gina Chersevani’s Designated Drinker Podcast
Matt was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk (or rant…) about all things I82 while enjoying some of Gina’s phenomenal craft cocktails on the Designated Drinker Podcast - it’s a colorful, frank conversation.
6/2/21 - Matt on NPR’s Marketplace About Pandemic Decisions That Have Stuck
Matt appears with CPA Eats clients and friends Ekin and Thompson Italian to discuss the pandemic era procedures that can help restaurants thrive in the future.
2/23/21 - Matt on NPR’s Marketplace About PPP Round 2 and the ERC
Hear Matt Hetrick speak to Justin Ho about the challenges faced by small businesses ineligible for a 2nd draw PPP loan and the invaluable but less discussed Employee Retention Credit.
11/17/20 - Matt on NPR’s Marketplace About Tax Concerns in the PPP Loan Program
Small businesses are facing a ton of uncertainty about the taxes they may owe on their PPP loans.
11/3/20 - Matt on NPR’s Marketplace About the Main Street Lending Program’s Challenges
A brief discussion of the difficulties inherent to the loan program.
6/3/20 - Matt on NPR Marketplace About the Main Street Lending Program
A breakdown of the new program, more likely to appeal to specialized manufacturers and other mid-size businesses.
5/27/20 - Matt Checks in Again with Justin Ho on NPR’s Marketplace
Ahead of the House vote on PPP program changes, Matt offers some optimism on the benefits to small businesses.
5/19/20 - Matt Talks PPP Loans on NPR’s Marketplace
Matt spoke again to Marketplace’s Justin Ho about the Treasury’s recently released guidelines for PPP Loan Forgiveness.
4/29/20 - CPA Eats President Matt Hetrick’s First Appearance on NPR’s Marketpla with Justin Ho
Matt spoke to Justin Ho about the challenges of the PPP loan implementation. The segment also features Bad Saint co-owner Genevieve Villamora, a client, friend, and vital part of DC’s vibrant food landscape.
Matt Hetrick on Lunch Agenda’s “Food Admin” Series
Hear Matt discuss the compromises he guides restaurants through to hit their target and his financial tips for aspiring food business owners.
RAMW - PPP Clarifications and Recommendations
We’ve offered our guidance to the RAMW on how to move forward whether you’ve received a PPP loan or if you missed the first round, as well as whether the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) could be a better option for your business.
Washingtonian - Why Your Favorite Neighborhood Restaurants Were Shut Out of Critical Government Aid
Matt offers Washingtonian’s Jessica Sidman his candid experience of the PPP loan status in Washington, DC.
CPA Eats President Matt Hetrick on the Accounting Marketing Doesn’t Suck Podcast
An open back and forth on the challenges of marketing a niche accounting firm, and the unique financial challenges all restaurants face. For the numbers-minded among us.
Matt Hetrick’s 40 Under 40 Q&A with CPA Practice Advisor
Matt weighs in on community, leadership, accounting best practices and more.